Pastor James Corrales preaches to us: The Story Continues and the Author Is Ever Present. Everything that Jesus Christ has done, he has done because he is in control, he is the author. In the midst of all trial, he is with his people and his church. This story is so special that it has no beginning and no end. There is talk of the great protagonist, Jesus Christ, who is the father, the son, and is the Holy Spirit, the omnipresent, and as the story continues he remains present. Today we are the chosen people, to whom Luke referred in the book of Acts, when speaking of the people of God. The Holy Spirit is writing this chapter of your life, allow it to enter, to know the truth of what you have been instructed. The Lord through his Holy Spirit speaks today to his chosen ones. He suffered the shame, he suffered the cross, for his bride, for his church, and his people. Today the quarantine has been imposed, but the Lord guards us to protect us, He is polishing us, so that after all this we can be firm. The power of the Spirit is descending on every home. The book of Acts does not end with a finally, because the story still continues, and as his church, we are still part of that story, the Lord is leading us through a process. Give the Holy Spirit room to allow it to appear to you with indubitable evidence, restoring hearts. Where the Spirit is there is freedom. We do not understand everything but we trust the author, in his word. And let us always keep in mind: Jesus Christ is the protagonist, the same throughout all of history from Genesis to Revelation. What is the purpose of this story? Wait a little longer and then the Spirit will come and you will witness its power, its promise. What is going to bring the solution to our problems is the church, through the filling of the Holy Spirit.
IPUL Oregon