Jesus is my Peace, preaches to us Pastor James Corrales. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you, says the Lord, not as the world giveth you. A beautiful promise, from the Holy Spirit, that peace that passes all understanding, in which sometimes it seems that nothing works, do not be afraid. If we focus on what we have around us, it will not be possible to have peace, but our peace comes from Jesus, even if it doesn’t make sense, made close by the blood of Christ, on the basis that you trust him. The word in Hebrew is “Shalom”, related to well-being, may the Lord place in you, a perfect peace. The peace of the world changes, it is conditional, circumstantial. If something does not go according to certain conditions, war is declared, speaking of peace and there is no peace. The peace of the world is weak, based on interpretations, and ignores the real problem. The Holy Spirit is present with the punishment received at Calvary, and we can enjoy that peace if we trust Him, because I know what I have, because His Spirit dwells in me. The enemy is interested in those who consecrate themselves, the world does not understand it, and that is why trials and challenges come, but if you allow the Spirit to work in you, he will be your peace. Exchange the peace of the world for the peace of Christ founded on the rock. Christ already knew that trials would come, but you must trust in him, because those who believe do not stumble. It’s worth always being connected to God.
IPUL Oregon