Alone with God Sunday May 24, 2020

Pastor James Corrales preaches to us: Alone with God. The Lord speaks through pastor James inviting us to open our minds and hearts to see his indescribable love he has for each and one us, the heavenly Lord calls us his children. But those who belong to the world don’t recognize that they too are his children because they don’t know about him! In this season God is not playing with your life, He’s directing your life so that you can draw closer to him. You are not alone. Even-though many voices are telling you that you are not important, remember that Jesus Christ loves you and cares for you. The enemy has convinced many people that they are alone, but God reminds us in Psalm 23 that He is always with us. Today the Lord is calling you to be strong and courageous, not to pity yourself. Even if you’ve experienced hardship to the point where you have felt abandoned or rejected, Jesus Christ has given you your place for He knows you by name. When this season is over, you’ll have a testimony of what Jesus did in your life. It takes a humble heart to come before God and admit that your way is useless but His way is perfect. You have an overpowering amount of love, friendship, and tenderness in God, remember you are a special kind of treasure for Jesus. The Lord doesn’t want a sacrifice, he wants obedience. In the moments of weakness, think about the goodness and the mercies of God and transition to a place where you are alone with God.Invest time alone with God, transition to a place were you can be alone with God, it will be worth it.

IPUL Oregon