Faith Born Out of Crisis Sunday June 21, 2020

Pastor James Corrales preaches to us: A Faith Born Out of Crisis. The story of a father who chose to believe. We choose, we can choose to believe in him and to believe him. A man forms an exemplary family and one day comes from the great job position he had worked and worked hard at. They offer him a great position of influence and they celebrate it as a family. Suddenly it happens that his child is sick and they can’t find a cure for that disease. The perfect plan of his new job achievement was coming to an end. But that father had heard of a man who had turned water into wine, and whose fame was spreading throughout the region. After trying all the doctors, hatcheries, astrologers and everything else, he remembered that man. And from that crisis a faith is born, after the despair a light is born, a ray of faith. So this man travels to look for that man, despite risking his perfect world of work, and his position of authority, he begs Jesus Christ for his son. He did not send a messenger or a representative and put everything he had at stake, out of the crisis that faith was born, and he asked the Lord to come down to see his son. Jesus says to him, go, your son lives. The man now believed in the words of the Lord, from the faith of the crisis the faith of confidence developed. The servants confirm that his son is alive and the man asks at what time it occurred, and now it has transformed into the shared faith because he believed and now it is becoming a contagious faith by confirming that it is the same time that he spoke with Jesus Christ. It is the story of a father who chose to believe Jesus, his King of kings. Father, choose to believe God, get rid of everything and surrender to him, believe in God, believe God.

IPUL Oregon