Inevitable Sunday June 14, 2020

Pastor Gerson Ramírez preaches to us under the subject of: Inevitable. Sometimes people want to grab hope wherever they can find it, but before we grab hope, we need to grab onto the truth which we find in the word of God. The word of God will give us hope, truth, and a way. We shouldn’t be afraid of what God expects of each and every one of us. Some sins are CLEARLY evident, leading to FINAL judgement, but those of some follow LATER. There are some things in the word of God that we can’t avoid no matter how hard we try. The first word we looked at was: Clearly. There are things in life that we know are bad because they’re clear to us. The Bible teaches us that there are some things that are easier to see and others that are harder to see, but sooner or later everything will catch up to us. If you know what’s right and you don’t do it you’re in sin. In order to know what the right way to live is you have to find it in the word of God and understand what it teaches. If you build a moral system based on a mans perception your system will have flaws. But when you build a moral system based on the word of God, you will find the truth that your soul and life are in need of because Jesus says, “I am the way, I am the truth, and I am the life.” The second word we looked at was: Final. We will all have to die and face judgment one day. We have to be proactive and do what God has called us to do. One day we will have to stand before God and give him accountability of what we did with our lives and everything he gave us. If the word of God warns us about this then we have to be ready for it. The last word we looked at was: Later. The Bible can tell us everything that is happening now and what will happen later. One day death will give up those who have passed and they will then go before God to be judged by the way he or she lived. It’s time for us to get right with God because what is to come is inevitable. What we need to do is to have the word of God make a total renovation in who we are. Allow Jesus to make you a new creation because God has something special for you.

IPUL Oregon