Pastor James Corrales preaches to us: A Safe Guarantee. Jesus Christ is present with you, he reigns with power and authority from above, he always does, not only on a specific date or week. He died, but he has also resurrected, he lives and reigns in his church. If Jesus Christ had not risen, our prayer would be in vain. So if I am to die, my life belongs to God, as the apostle Paul said, “for to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” We are confident that our soul is of a living and faithful God. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is an essential part of the gospel, which is the good news of salvation, showing that he is in control of life, in control of all situations. He has the authority to cleanse sin, he is the only one who has the power to forgive, he died for the sinner. The resurrection proves his deity. He was declared the son of God, according to the Spirit of holiness, by his resurrection from the dead. And to those who believe in him, he gave the power to also be children of God. He said, and so it was, with deeds, not just words. If the day comes to depart with the Lord, the dead in Christ will rise first, and while that happens they sleep in the Lord. He enters our life and he organizes and justifies our errors, our sins, and he takes them with him, on him. He died for our sins. And when he rose, he overcame the sentence. He changed everything, making us righteous, clean, not by your own strength but by the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the guarantee that we too will be resurrected first. If we believe that Jesus Christ died and rose again, God will bring those who sleep in him with Jesus. Put your trust in God today, it is a guarantee for eternity. The children of God are born twice, dying only once, and then rise for something glorious.
IPUL Oregon